Welcome to BiHet of the Day !
Please read !

Origin of BiHet / why this account exists.

An abbreviation of "Bisexual-heterosexual." A derogatory term usually used to describe bisexual women in relationships with men and vice versa, meant to imply that they are not really bisexual and that they don't belong in the LGBTQ+ community. This is a biphobic term and it should not be used. The term was started to make bisexuals seem less queer, and less affiliated with LGBTQ+ related matters. It assumes that being in a 'heterosexual relationship' was being a false bisexual.

Note ; BiHet is NOT a slur! It's just a derogatory term.

This account is made to reclaim a harmful ideal and give bisexuals a safe place to share headcanons and canon information. Don't go into our Zaqa or DMs just to say nasty stuff because it'll just be ignored.

Rules !

We accept both headcanons and canons!
We will research for backgrounds and sexualities on characters. If a character already has a canon sexuality that isn't bi, we will not post it!
Please submit through our Zaqa (linked on profile). DMs are acceptable but Zaqa's come first.
Requests will be scheduled/queued for a day.
All fictional characters accepted EXCEPT dsmp. No real life people either, including live action sources. (Apologies in advance,,,)
Hate submissions or nasty Zaqa's will not be posted and will be ignored.

About this account !

I made this account to reclaim a biphobic term and a stereotype, and I am in NO way associated with the old bihet account.
Created as a safe please for bisexuals in """Heterosexual""" relationships, but are still obviously bisexual. or bisexuals in general. This is a safe place for us admins as well.

General; Pedos, bigots, abilest, ect ect.
Extreme right-wing views.
MCYT TWT in general!!!

About the Admins !

Head Admin / 🌺 : Bee/Toons.
Demongender, plantgender, wolfgender and twilightgender.
POC/person of color
Bisexual in a ""het"" relationship!
Heavily neurodivergent, hyperfixated on my own art. Use tone indicators.
The main poster and scheduler.

Admin 2 / 🎠 : Xander.
vampiregender, angelgender, and moongender.
ND and autistic.
Bisexual in a "hEtErO" relationship (with head admin). Helps with scheduling and posting submissions!